Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs

Standards, Assessment & Accountability
Achievement Standards are designed to help Idaho students stay on course and achieve at a higher level, while also helping to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of a public education.

Idaho’s MOST
Maximizing opportunities for student learning by putting a competent, caring, qualified teacher in every Idaho classroom.

Idaho Scholarships, Student Aid and Interstate Programs
Find out more information on scholarships and student aid for Idaho students, and download applications online.

Idaho Common Admissions Application (PDF)
Admissions Applications for Idaho’s public institutions.

Preparing for Education Beyond High School
A college preparation site for parents and students alike.

Private In-State, Out-of-State, Non-Accredited Institutions, and Other Educational Source Offerings
More information about Idaho’s rules and laws pertaining to proprietary schools operating in Idaho.

Various reports commissioned by the State Board of Education

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